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While getting to know Christine Tatum, chief executive officer of Denver-based communications company Media Salad, Inc., we quickly found a great person to explain the journey to healthy skin we at illuma Advanced Aesthetics are passionate about helping our clients navigate. Our deal was simple: we would introduce Christine to our services, and she would tell the unvarnished truth about her experiences. You can read her first , second, third, fourth and fifth posts. We all hope from the resulting series she periodically will maintain on this blog that you learn some interesting things to help you achieve your own skincare goals, laugh a little — and that you visit us at illuma to begin your journey.

I spent yesterday gingerly touching my face to apply a little makeup with hideous results. Today, I woke up with skin flaking off everywhere. 

Gross — and yet I was a bit relieved because I could finally see fresh, new facial skin emerging and sense a return to normalcy.I probably have never been so excited to wash my face — or more surprised by how many times I would need to wash my face on this third day after my first encounter with laser skin resurfacing. Thank goodness for cool water and illuma Advanced Aesthetic Skincare’s ultra-gentle and moisturizing Soothing Cleanser  and Spray Moisturizer. Throughout the day, my facial skin would tighten and start to flake, signaling it was all right for me to make another trip to the bathroom. Using gentle (key word), circular motions and only the very tips of my fingers, I removed dead skin from all over my face. I repeated this process several times — maybe eight times in 15 hours — and there was always more skin to remove. 

Until there wasn’t.

And when there wasn’t, I figured Fran might get a Christmas card from me this year after all. There were so many obvious-to-me things to be excited about! 

For example, my facial skin was just brighter and less waxy. And for the first time since my teens, my forehead was as smooth as a baby’s bum. No more stubborn milia — those tiny, firm, white bumps that may look like whiteheads, but are actually cysts containing built-up keratin just beneath the skin’s surface. Milia cysts — much like the one you can see on my forehead in the upper left frame of my “before face” — are harmless and don’t have any redness or inflammation unless you pick at them. Picking at melia is unwise because these cysts are tough to extract. Leave them for the professionals — like Fran, whose laser zaps them away in fractions of seconds. 

And do you also see the changes in lines and skin toning under my eyes? I’ll get to that stuff next.

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