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Let’s talk Skin Care!

This may be one of our most asked questions. How do I layer my skin care products? I think we first need to acknowledge the skin care industry and skin care products in general feel very overwhelming. There is always some trend going on or a product your friend/family member/coworker swears by. But does that mean it’s right for you? Not necessarily. Everyone’s skin and skins needs are different. Also let’s be real, no one needs to be getting skin care advice from tik tok.

Let’s start with the most important products to have in a skin care routine.

-SPF (Zinc and titanium being top 2 ingredients)

-Medical grade Retinol

-Medical grade Vitamin C

These are the work horse products for antiaging. This is where you spend your money. Having good quality products makes all the difference. Designer brands are not where it’s at! These products 9 times out of 10 are not medical grade, you’re just buying the name.

Next, when starting a new skin care routine or any new product it is important to remember your skin takes 4-6 weeks to adjust. During that time, it is normal to have some redness, dryness, and break outs. This is a common misconception. Some give up in the first week or two of starting a product because they feel it’s making their skin worse. Your skin needs to have a chance to adjust.

The rule when layering skin care products is always thinnest to thickest.

  1. Cleanse
  2. Toner- this is important and often skipped. Toner balances the pH of your skin so the skin can absorb the next steps in your routine properly.
  3. Serums
  4. Eye Creams
  5. Moisturizer/Oils
  6. Spot treatments- if needed
  7. SPF- A.M only

The amounts of these products vary as well. With most good skin care, a little goes a long way. Use the following as a guide.

  1. Cleaners- about the size of a blueberry
  2. Toner- will be applied to a cotton round or sprayed directly on the skin
  3. Serums- depends! Think a few drops to the size of a small grape
  4. Eye Cream- about half a blueberry
  5. Moisturizer- about the size of a raspberry
  6. Spots- as needed
  7. SPF- about the size of a sliced banana

3 takeaways from this. Give your skin the right amount of time to adjust to new skincare, invest in medical grade where it counts, and always apply products thinnest to thickest. Save this for future reference, share with a family member or friend, and always reach out if you have questions! We know it can be confusing, we are here to educate and help!

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